What are the advantages of being a man?

Of course the same could be said for females?

Advantages of being a man.

They can take their top off in public.

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They can pee standing up.

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Men or shouldn’t need to wear a bra 
although I’ve seen a fair few borderline cases where a bra might be useful.

Men don’t have to queue to use the loo.


They never have to give birth.


They cant have periods/ PMS/babies and go through the menopause.
But i am pretty sure some they suffer the consequience.s of being there whilst wives/partners do go through these.

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They can reach the top shelf in supermarkets to get something for you.


They get to be ‘top dog’ more often !! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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They can spread their legs,when sitting on the ground.

They don’t have that fear of being raped.

They don’t have to worry about handbags and shoes which have to match or fill up two wardrobes with clothes and then complain about “not having a thing to wear”.


They don’t have to worry about Boris Johnson lusting after them.

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You can write your name in the snow. :wink:


When they grow old, they look very distinguished

I take that means , writing with your finger in the snow
woman can do that.

I think you may mean using a bodily function, correct me if I’m wrong?..:thinking::woozy_face::joy::heartpulse:

You credit us too much, ma’am. One can reach a certain age, with certain conditions, where standing up would be a perilous position.

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You are so right, :wink: There is a drink behind the bar

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They can reach the top shelf in the newsagent to get something for themselves.


Can navigate from A to B successfully using a map



I did wonder if I’d put my foot in it with that comment :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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