What a parlous state of affairs in the US regarding abortion

Emergency rooms refusing to treat pregnant patients in post Roe v Wade US, documents reveal
Complaints that pregnant women were turned away from US emergency rooms spiked in 2022 after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.
It has raised alarms about the state of emergency pregnancy care in the country, especially in states that have enacted strict abortion laws.
The Supreme Court will weigh in on the enforcement of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, a law that guarantees medical care for pregnancy-related emergencies.

This most likely is going many years into the future, most likely an amendment to the Constitution.
Should Women have the Right if their sig. other agrees? It’s way past my pay scale to make. I have
my personal thoughts but I can keep them to myself without expressing them here.


Banning legitimate abortions which save the life of the mother just makes no sense to me. I am not surprised doctors are turning away patients. You save a woman’s life and end up behind bars? The worst thing is women being treated as criminals when they are having a miscarriage. That is what has happened in some countries where they have introduced draconian legal changes.


This is a hard topic for females. For most, it will factor into the November election vote. I’m with Zac on this and will refrain from commenting here.

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It should be down to the woman wether to have an abortion or not, but as usual in the us, man’s interpretation of what god wants usually wins out


Yes. This is where the US has lost the plot totally. Religion rules there.
Look where that is leading them, chaos and mayhem.