Whale Trapped off Queensland Coast

A humpback whale is trapped in shark nets off the Gold Coast. Attempts are being made to free it.


Hope it works out. Please keep us appraised.


Bruce, I hope you were involved with the rescue efforts - I’m sure they’d be saved in no time if you were :003: (Hope they’re all freed safely soon! :blush:)

It’s a 1000km north of me (and I am in lockdown). People have been killed trying to free whales from nets.

I do occasionally go to Hill 60 at Port Kembla to watch the whales when they are travelling (usually between April and November), initially going north to breed then returning south to feed in Antarctic waters.

At the moment we are coming to the end of the northern migration but in late September we will see them going south again. They pass relatively close to the coast though they are easier to see with a pair of binoculars. I have been on a whale watching trip from Jervis Bay, they are BIG.


While I hate reading about stories like this ( heartbreaking :broken_heart: ) , I hope with all my heart this creature gets set free. What a sin that it’s caught up in a net. :cry:

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happens every year in Oz and we still don’t know why really - many locals always help out for sure

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Apparently the whale is now free.


Excellent news. Hope it survives the stress of the ordeal.

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