Well, I’ll Just Have To Smell Then!

Well you would definitely enjoy these products. I’m ordering the spray deodorant, body spray and solid bar shampoo and conditioner. Check out the scent combos. This lady really knows her stuff.

Don’t forget you can change the currency to £‘s if you want.

My preference is deodorant rather than antiperspirant but I don’t stick to particular brands…i don’t buy the white powdery ones they leave marks on your clothes and I don’t buy Sure that’s the only brand that makes me itch.

Not sure about the Ethanol content, Bratti? Isn’t that used in Antifreeze? (I may be wrong). :slight_smile:
I hope you are pleased with it anyway.

I have used the Handmade Naturals products almost since they started, years ago. Somewhere on the website it explains fully about ingredients and what everything means on labels. It’s interesting.

Another one over here with a good reputation is:

I don’t know if you have that where you are?
I shall always stick with the HM Naturals though, as I know and trust her products. :slight_smile:

A cucumber?

‘Ball type?’

‘No, under arm’


Bathed Man!, you sound like a real Babe Azure.:lol::lol:

There are many justifiable reasons why humans don’t always smell fresh and they don’t always have to do with personal hygiene . Certain disorders can cause havoc to body chemistry like Trimethylaminuria, diabetes, thyroid disorder, cancer, kidney disease, bromhidrosis, osmidrosis , ozochrotia, hyperhidrosis, athletes foot etc.

If the cure for smelling bad was as simple as washing ourselves with soap and water, there wouldn’t be so many stinky people in the world. For people with any of the above disorders, simply washing with soap and water doesn’t cut it. For instance people with Trimethylaminuria, which is a metabolic disorder. People with this can’t break down protein so their bodies excrete out the protein through their skin, urine, feces etc., that is not properly metabolized and it stinks. There is no cure for this; only meticulous rituals they can follow in hopes to not be as offensive to others.

Thanks Mups. The site I mentioned was just discovered so I haven’t really checked out all the ingredients but will. Good call.
I will investigate as I really like their scent combos but not fond of the idea of sirayinv anti freeze on myself. :shock: lol

I disagree Bratti :slight_smile: even those with a medical condition will not be assisted by some awful deororant adding to the problem.

Most people who wash regularly do not need a deodorant, good old soap and water will serve them well and that fact that so many people think they need a deodorant is testament to the abilities of advertising companies.

… Deodorant is intended to deal with perspiration not to mask the odours of illness , there are medications specifically designed for that purpose .

Perspiring is a natural function of the body, a deodorant will not stop that .
If a person perspires too much again, there are medications that can help.
At best deodorant block the pores temporarily preventing a natural function intend to help to cool the body at worst they mask the smell of stale perspiration, if people wash frequently they don’t have stale perspiration.

Perspiration also contains Pheromones which play an important part in human attraction and interaction, newborn babies are attracted to their mothers own individual smell and it plays a part in the bonding process.

There are many reasons not to use a deodorant.

I respectfully disagree. Antiperspirants blog pores from perspiring and people should perspire but I think that’s what you meant. There are natural deodorants that will help kill the bacteria and fungus that is caused by sweating. People with issues need to be much more resourceful with products they use and the foods they choose to eat. I guess my main point being that not all body odour is caused by poor personal hygiene.

What product did you did ethanol in?
I saw this product and wasn’t sure of its source so looked it up. I’m going to write to this product maker today to find out.


The way I look at it is this: freshly washed bodies don’t smell - BUT - by applying deodorant on a freshly washed body you keep the fresh feeling longer.

After 4 -5 -6 hours the body that was freshly washed earlier may begin to have a slight whiff of sweat - whereas the body with deodorant applied will not!!

So it gives you the fresh feeling for longer without the need to go wash your underarms every few hours.

I’d agree with that, Carol.
I never use anti-perspirants though.

Also, it’s easy enough to keep washing if you are home, but what if you go out for the day and it’s a hot day?

Without deodorant, you can’t expect to stay smelling like you have just washed 8 hours later.
Sweat would also pong on clothing as well, and you can’t keep changing that while you are out.

I use dove roll on only if I am going near people .

Looks like you can still buy it on-line - I’ve just had a look.

The only roll on deoderent that Mr Glanny can use that doesn’t make him sore or itchy is Bionsen, available in Boots and I think Superdrug, and also some supermarkets stock it. All the other “sensitive” ones, whether they are aluminium free or wotevvs still cause a reaction.
I have only read the last page of this thread (so far) so apologies if someone else has already mentioned this.

Ohh oops! :blush: sorry! Your first reply reccommends Bionsen! :mrgreen:

I discovered by accident that Savlon cream is a good deodorant.

I had an underarm rash from shaving & couldn’t bear to use deodorant so I smoothed on the Savlon. The deodorant effect was long lasting…