Welcome to my world! Succulents stolen!

You assume correctly :icon_biggrin:

Oh Minx, I feel for you but sadly I know how that feels.

Even here in a moderately-remote part of England we’ve had things taken from our open front garden - - - including solar lights which only cost a quid (20 Rand) or so to buy!
We have Dutch friends who’ve had similar problems too.
As you can see from other posts, it seems to happen everywhere.

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It’s the same here Baz

Thanks Zaphod! Yes, I see that it’s not just in SA. Thank you!


@Minx - Plant something pretty - but with nasty hooky thorns!

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Great idea ST


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Pyracantha is a really thorny one, if you can get that in SA. The link below takes you to a website where you can read about it and see what it looks like:

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Thanks Baz! I just worry about any animals with plants around like that. I’ll give it a read though!

That is true !
Some man laid his lawn and that very night two women came and half inched it !
They were caught on CCTV can’t find the video .

I see, didn’t realise about any animals, the thorns really are ‘spiky’ and very sharp. It’s one of those shrubs that householders are recommended to plant along fences to keep the ‘no-goods’ out.


It’s good anti burglar stuff but is a very attractive plant too comes in red or orange berries .

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I appreciate all recommendations! I will definitely investigate all options - OFC members are the bestest in the whole wide world


Tut, that’s a shame Minx. I’d feel really peeved too. I mean it takes time and effort to get stuff to grow nicely and arrange planting how we like it and getting all excited when it all slots into place.
Barstewards. :rage:

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You said it, not me :rofl:


All that hard work of growing then, along comes someone who just thinks they can help them self, I really don’t understand some people at times.

It happens in the UK as well, I’ve had plants stolen, my neighbour who newly planted her front garden, they took the lot, they steal freshly laid turf as well.

I’ve even had a rabbit run once stolen out of my garden…I’m a great believer that it will come back on them one day.

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Anyone who has a nice garden ornament around here has them chained to the ground .

That’s true Pauline. I babysat the little succulent babies and regrew some myself for 6 months. Hence my disappointment… us women can be rather sentimental creatures.

But, I since heard this type of theft is common place! Whatever is the world coming too!


It’s no wonder! A truly sad state of affairs

Yes, I have a six foot fence and gate that protects my garden and it’s ornaments, the gate is locked at night.

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So, you have no issues now Pauline? The entire incident has left me feeling rather vulnerable. There’s people snooping around at night and I sleep like a log :frowning: