Wedding dingbats 1

All these dingbats have a wedding theme can you guess them ?

  1. To have and to hold
  2. Wedding ring
  3. Wedding bells
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  1. Walking up the aisle
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  1. Left at the altar
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  1. Top hat and tails
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  1. For Better, For Worse
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  1. Order of Service
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  1. Wedding night
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8 flower girls

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18 wedding feast

sorry @Psmith feast is wrong think early morning food

18 wedding breakfast. :grinning:

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2 altar boy

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  1. (What God has joined together let ) no man put asunder
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  1. Walking up the aisle
    2 altar boy
    4 Left at the altar
    6 For Better, For Worse
    7 let no man put asunder
    8 flower girls
    10 Order of Service
    11 Wedding night
    12 Top hat and tails
    13 To have and to hold
    14 Wedding ring
    16 Wedding bells
    18 wedding breakfast.

correct answers still No3 5 9 15 & 17 to guess

3 wedding shower

I’m getting married in the morning, ding dong the bells are going to chime etc etc etc.
but get me to…

  1. The church on time?
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sorry @Eliza wedding shower is wrong after the X there are 2 words

9 mini stir =minister ?

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3 Exchanging the vows

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