This will be my last post on the subject (hoorah I hear you say) and it’s in the wrong place, but I don’t care because it will probably be moved to some obscure backwater on the forum by some over enthusiastic TL3 member, never to see the light of day again. I just thought it needs saying, but I can’t possibly compete with David Attenborough, the BBC and all the rest of the Main Stream Media that are filling our heads with a constant daily bombardment of mostly inaccurate and biased facts. It’s not so much the thing they tell us, as the things they don’t.
Over the years we have all been corrupted by what we see, hear, and read: Films, adverts and soaps among others have all contributed to how we think and act. Our world, our country and our lives have been taken over by big business and commercialism, buying stuff has become the main reason for our existence and we are bombarded daily by the ‘Big Sell’ everywhere you look there are adverts prompting you to buy the latest car, Smartphone or some other latest novel piece of technology, which might be a luxury and a gadget today, but will soon become a necessity. And Yes! I also have fallen victim to the world of ‘progress’ and keeping up with the Joneses: Why still swim across a river when they have provided a bridge?
The switch from fossil fuel to Wind Turbines, Solar Panels and Lithium batteries will not work, we are changing from one environment damaging method of providing energy to another equally destructive method. And the latest word that we have been conditioned to respond to is ‘Sustainable’ and just like most of the other garbage we are being told, it is false. Nothing in this world is ‘Sustainable’ you had better believe it. Someone, somewhere is making lots of money from our gullibility and conditioning. You don’t think it’s happening to you? Some of the greatest minds in the world are making sure it is, through what you see and hear on a daily basis.
Obviously progress cannot continue at the rate it is, but don’t confuse that with believing that we have the power in our hands to change weather patterns and climate, there are going to be some very red faces when despite man’s (and women’s) best attempts; Floods, bush fires, extreme weather events and rising sea levels will still continue as they always have, despite all the money, pain, death and suffering mankind can endure. The biggest threat to our existence comes from man himself.
I’m leaving the forum for now to go for my walk in the clean fresh air of the countryside where there is no such thing as Covid, Russian invasions of Ukraine, Boris’s Christmas parties, and end of the planet scenarios.