totally agree about the plastic waste. Tapwater in Scotland must be pretty good if that’s what they sell in the bottles. It’s not really about health for me, just tastes so much better when you are exercising and to drink if thirsty at night. It’s so smooth. I have tasted very nice tapwater in the lake district but unfortunately you have to live in such an area to access the good stuff. Do they still add fluoride to tapwater in Birmingham?
I have now managed to source some at the big sainsbury’s but this meant I had to drive there during my lunch break.
@AnnieS , well our water comes from the river trent and it tastes ok, but sometimes you get a whiff of chlorine or whatever they use now, but
niothing to moan about !
If you can get genuine spring water it is better than rainwater for your teeth
due to the minerals ?? But
I am a bit of a fundi on water as l set iup my own system to clarify the
river water we used for washing which was the colour of tea at the
beginning, guests used to photograph themselves in the bath ??
But against all local advice l managed to get beautiful clear smooth soft
Bottled water - I fail to understand why people want to buy water that has been stored in plastic bottles (in warehouses and shop storerooms) for months. Tap water is fine by me.