So I set about building a water drop set up. For those who don’t know what I am talking about it looks something like this.
Only I went out to make mine with a little more planning. Not only couldn’t I find what I was looking for at several stores. I couldn’t find a Medical Supply Store that sold insulin needles or IV bags. The use of the IV bag is explanatory in the picture. The needles were for putting single drops of water on flowers, etc. to catch the refraction.
What the hell kind of medical supply stores don’t sell medical supplies???
Timing, if you can get your drop to come at a regular interval. They sell machines specifically for this, they cost about $100-200 dollars, they hook directly to your camera and sync it for you. But you can get the same great shots using homemade equipment.
I took this off a water drop machine like that first image.
The water you use is clear. The color comes from the flash bouncing off the background. So you can shoot any pattern or color you wish. Like this.
Use Manual focus. I stick a pencil right where the drops are hitting and focus on that, then lock focus and have fun. If you have to use a zip lock bag as it appears I must again. use medical or scotch tape to stop the drip monetarily if you need to. Also as RS mentioned you are shooting a burst of 5 or 6 shots to capture the action.
so obviously even at high speed video recording it doesn’t work but had to try. Needed a faster shutter speed than had it set at.
so will have to try again