Warming the oven?

Except for when doing Yorkshire puds, or a nice piece of pork, I never pre-heat my oven. It’s a fan oven and gets hot pretty quickly.

I’m going to argue with you on skin doesn’t need to breathe ……of course it does !
I never wash my face with soap and water at night or any other time anyway .

Your argument about not warming the oven ? You wouldn’t have a leg to stand on honestly faced with professional cooks and you didn’t answer my question … would you put a cake mix into a cold oven ?
When we used to have fish and chip dinners once a week when we both went out to work and my son came home from school for dinners I would always have the oven warming to put them in when my husband arrived with them . Keeping them nice and hot in their newspaper while we set the table

yes I do put cake mix into a cold oven. Turns out fine.

You put newspaper into an oven and you’re judging me?!:-D:-D

How can you possibly judge the cooking time of that cake mix ? It’s being heated up in under the recommended temperature for a start!
I don’t understand your reasoning why you don’t follow instructions anyway.
Comparing what you say you do …. I think you might be taking the Michael here for the fun of it … to me putting wrapped fish and chips into a warm oven to keep them hot once again is a case of an argument that holds no logic.
Time to back down I think Annie :mrgreen:

Using my logic is less likely to set the house on fire…!:smiley: