Want to visit Tasmania?

To show you the rugged beauty that is Tasmania, here is the winning Photo in the Astrophotography Competition.
Luke Tscharke’s breathtaking snap of the Milky Way rising above Tasmania’s wilderness.


Been there, mind you, over a decade ago


Was the West Coast Wilderness Society steam train to Strahan fantastic?
I left before it was up and running.

As your on the other side of the world and not being able to walk upside down on my hands I think a visit is out of the question. :rofl:


I wasn’t impressed, it was absurdly expensive, just an overpriced steam train. The east coast Ida Bay railway was far more enjoyable, far more interesting and very reasonably priced

I did not know it was too expensive.
The scenery was amazing though?
To think of the effort that went into building that line 120 years ago astounds me.

No. no. no.

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