That’s a brilliant list, Omah, thanks…worth printing out I think. Mostly I’m ok if I check the labels and buy the same/similar stuff. Eating fresh, not processed, helps enormously too!
I’ve not eaten crisps for years!
I loved scrunching cheese and onion crisps into a fruit T cake, with cheddar cheese. Sheer heaven!
I once went into a sandwich shop in those days and asked for a fruit T cake, buttered with cheddar cheese (I added the crisps later).
The assistant asked if I was from Yorkshire. She reckoned it was a Yorkshire thing to have the T cake with cheese…
I lived in Donny for a time, but wasn’t into the T cake and cheese thing then. I often wondered if it was Yorkshire thing.
Random (mildly off topic, sorry Omah) Did anyone put their empty crisp packets in a warm oven to shrink them to miniature size? They were so cute…I made a few key rings with mine, back in the day.