Wagathacrappo ~ who will win?

Tried to post a Poll but don’t see how it can be done[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

  • which woman will win?
  • Rebekah Vardy
  • Colleen Rooney
    Thanks Barry, I’ve tried but it’s beyond me I’m afraid

Do we not have a thread on this important subject?

It will end in tears.

Or will we see triumph? I hope not. I hope this fizzles out. And we’ve forgotten all about it by tomorrow.

I hope that Colleen wins she has tried to settle this several times by agreeing to disagree and giving the money that would have been spent on litigation to charity .
Moreover she is blameless in this sordid episode .
So if the poll goes up I shall vote for Mrs Rooney .:slight_smile:

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Who cares?



No one cares but hey it’s a story .

Yes we do!
I just thought it would be a bit of fun to have a poll where you had to vote for one or the other, who you thought might win the case.
In the old forum it was fun and easy.
Now it’s beyond me I’m afraid, though Barry did show me where to begin.
Hey ho, maybe some clever clogs TL3 could delete this thread now as it’s pointless and we already have a thread for comments on the case.
Sorry chaps

I have no idea what any of this is…
And please, don’t try to enlighten me. I can live the rest of my life without knowing… :wink:

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You are in defence of Chavs again, is this becoming a habit?

I don’t consider Colleen Rooney a chav ( which BTW is a bit of a dated expression but then we are all a bit dated here :slight_smile: ) she is a private person who generally keeps a pretty low profile and her dignity .
For her to take such a action ie publicly accusing RV of leaking stories to the press is out of character .

They share the same platforms.

So do most people it doesn’t make them all the same .

Time to vote:

  • I don’t care
  • I don’t care at all
  • Who are they?
  • I am worried about baggage handling at Heathrow Airport

0 voters

You forgot none of the above :slight_smile:

Well I’ve done my bit and voted … but it looks as gripping as Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.
If they all had brains to match their egos the world would be inundated with geniuses.

I thought this was going to be about a an Australian
Local election


Brilliant Post, sums it up in a nutshell.

We have families going hungry, the case is costing £Millions.

I would have much more respect for them if they had agreed to differ and given the money to Charity.

THIS should keep you all up to speed on the case.

Colleen Rooney suggested this several times but apparently Vardy wasn’t having it.