Volcano erupts near Iceland's capital Reykjavik

Interesting drone footage from yesterday


Spectacular Warleyron, it would be nice to view it nearby…But not too nearby… :astonished:

I agree. I went to the 2021 one but it didn’t erupt while I was there. This one has been going on longer than people thought it would.

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Not somewhere I’d go for my groceries.

Another eruption

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Great footage. Eruptions must always be in the back of one’s mind when living on a hotstpot.

This is what the Hawai’i islanders had to contend with in '22 and '23. The vent is currently quiet, but we are learning that long periods of rain predict new eruptions. Fascinating but dangerous stuff:

Me and the wife are actually planning to go there as part of a cruise. May have to pack some PPE as a precaution.

I worked with someone who went there recently on a cruise. Said there was nothing untoward happening. But then these eruptions keep their own rules, so stay safe!

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LIve view in Iceland


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Just bookmarked it. Thank you!

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Wow those youtube postings are fantastic. I am so glad I visited the Blue Lagoon before this happened. While I was in Iceland, my guide told me they have seven different types of volcanoes. YOIKS I thought one type would be enough.

While there are no critters that will make a meal out of you, the landscape sure does its darndest to kill you.

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It’s off again


We’ve had two earthquakes near Newcastle, followed by after shocks, no lava though.