Vladimir Putin stands considerable distance from foreign ambassadors 'for sanitary reasons'

Isn’t western media wonderful, they could turn the pope into a raving psychopath…

So you’re declining the suggestion of gaining more insight into Putin. Makes sense as that shunning info is what has got you to your current thinking. Why change now?

This is interesting.
“The state wants to control the collective memory by presenting Stalin not as a tyrant but as a strong leader.”
“Russia has stepped up repression, particularly of those who criticise the military campaign in Ukraine.”
“The non-governmental organisation, Memorial, which documented both Soviet repressions and human rights abuses in contemporary Russia, was banned in 2021.”

Dictators are all very well if you agree with them but if they do something you don’t like you are stuck with it.

It’s not insight into Putin. It’s western propaganda the same he uses against us…Who do you believe Lincs…Obviously they have succeeded in taking you in. Me? I keep an open mind because I hate being told what to think…

No you do not. You are specifically saying that you are avoiding all available information on Putin and his track record - precisely because you think it will challenge your assumptions and preferences. So not an open mind and happy to adhere to one ill-informed way of thinking.
Have you heard of Anna Politkovskaya? Or Maksim Borodin? Or any of the other 150 Russian journalists killed since Putin rose to power? That is not a made up claim or Western propaganda.
So you go ahead and close your eyes and cover your ears. However with that self-imposed ignorance comes one condition: close your mouth.

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How do you know it wasn’t our own special forces that popped off a few journalists. Have you ever heard of ‘False Flag Events’? Deliberate acts of terrorism or violence in order to make people think in a certain way. Don’t you think we and the Americans are capable of such acts Lincs? You are more naive than I gave you credit for…
Even if Putin did have a hand in having them removed, can you blame him? There used to be a law in this country called ‘Treason’ …Quote:-
What is the definition of treason?

1. : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family. 2. : the betrayal of a trust : treachery.

The penalties were harsh, in most cases execution. In the UK many governments or their leaders have fallen foul of the media and were never heard of again. Putin knows that he can’t be unseated by a foreign power declaring war on Russia, but the media could whip up enough social unrest to see him dismissed. “The pen is mightier than the sword”
We should take a leaf out of his book and do it here. There are limits to what is called ‘Free Speech’ and when those limits are surpassed it becomes ‘Treason’ This country has been ruled by the media for far too long and it’s time they were slapped down…Unfortunately good unbiassed news reporting would suffer also, but it’s the price we have to pay. No news is better than biased agenda based bad news…

Paranoid and isolated certainly. it could also be a double which he undoubtedly uses so a bit of distance would help with the illusion. I don’t think he is irrational his actions make sense from the point of view of a paranoid dictator.

Geopolitically his actions in attacking Ukraine also makes sense ( for Russia) . Russia has a huge boarder and needs to control the choke points. Most of these point are NOT in Russia.

To feel secure in the Russian mind they need the Ukraine, parts of Rumania, Belarus, a good slice of Poland and all the Baltic states.

Our choice is stop them in Ukraine with our money and Ukrainian blood or end up in a war between NATO and Russia. A war between NATO and Russia WILL end up with some sort of nuclear exchange.

I’d rather fork out cash for Ukraine than loose the 100 of thousands possibly millions to in an even limited nuclear exchange.

Let’s leave aside your psycho babble about false flag actions. It would be fun to unpick the rubbish theories of exactly how these would have worked, how they would have been completed, who is falsely flagging what to whom, etc. But life is too short.
So let’s ask about the above statement. You are proposing that executing people who criticise a government or a leader is acceptable and quite normal. You put forward that criticism amounts to treasonous acts. You recommend that for all countries. So according to your thinking any member of the opposition can and should be bumped off as they often criticise the government. Any commentator, observer or journalist who does not completely agree with the government should be bopped off. It is unlikely that you ideas will get much support. Being as they are stupid. But that, no doubt, is how you’ve ended up admiring Putin.

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Putin has no intention of storming into other countries in my opinion. It’s propaganda put about by the western establishment through the media to justify the alarming amount of money and support Ukraine is receiving. American installations (including chemical weapon labs) located in the Ukraine were threatening Russia, contrary to denials and shouts of ‘Fake News’ by the establishments of the west…They certainly wouldn’t admit to it would they or it would be game over. Had America, the UK and the EU not piled in billions of Euros, Dollars and £’s the conflict would have been over now with infrastructure intact and civilian lives spared, and Zelensky, that great imposter, returned to the stage where he belongs…

Running out of sensible discussion Lincs…?This is not helpful…
I’m at a disadvantage Lincs, because on the internet owned largely by Americas, and a heavily censored MSM (which incidentally you accuse Russia of) I can’t find any good things about Putin, whereas the media is full of anti-Putin propaganda. It wasn’t always like this was it…Only a few years ago the west was warming to Putin, even the BBC were sending journalists into Russia and making documentaries about how life had changed under Putin’s administration. How fickle the media can be…

And alll the dead Ukranians and Russians don’t actually matter then? like all our great grandparents and uncles etc didn’t either in the great wars? - great wars are great heh?? - that’s not you talkin OGF - it just the tick tick tickin of ya faulty pacemaker! - jkeep running mate and stop and talk to the daisies sometimes!

You can’t blame Putin for not wanting to get near foreign Ambassadors, you never know what he might have caught from them. Gawd, he might have been infected with a bit of humanity.

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And alll the dead Ukranians and Russians don’t actually matter then? like all our great grandparents and uncles etc didn’t either in the great wars? - great wars are great heh?? - that’s not you talkin OGF - it just the tick tick tickin of ya faulty pacemaker!

It seems like the answer is right there in front of you. But keep looking, sorry, I mean keep ignoring.

Is there an echo in here?

Different times bret…

Yes Lincs, I never like to accept the first theory that the establishment and media puts out, like you do…Because there’s always something behind the headlines.

It is always necessary to be sceptical. And its good to look beyond the headlines or the story being promoted by one side. However, when all reviews and checks and cynicism still comes up with the same answer then … there’s your answer.
I’d even agree that the press, media, commentators and politicians were too happy in the past to ignore the problems with Putin and his oligarch cronies. And to take money or oil from them. It was too convenient to not mention the assassinations, the corruption and money laundering and the disappearances. Or Putin’s own false flags that he blamed on Chechins to justify that war. But invading Ukraine simply to re-instate a pro-Kremlin corrupt president and stop Ukraine moving to closer to NATO and the EU was too much. Bad info about Putin did not suddenly appear. It was there all along. After Ukraine it simply moved to the forefront.

agreed - he longs for the great empire Russia again and wants to be an emperor in robes!! trouble is his effin legs are too short!

You could be right about Putin Lincs I don’t really know…However, if you look at a thread on this forum about Margaret Thatcher, some people hate the very bones of her and to others she is a messiah. Seldom is a leader liked by everyone and the only true way of knowing whether Putin is an asset to Russia is to listen to the common people. Do they feel oppressed and bullied by a heartless dictator? Has their lot in life changed for the better? In the past the Russians have had no hesitation to unseat a ruler. Have they gone soft? Are they happy? Or will Putin’s reign come to a sticky end with another revolution…Either way, I don’t expect to get a true analysis in the western media.

Bunch of stuff to consider in your post.
Regarding Thatcher, yes she was loved and hated. But no-one accused her of crimes or stealing wealth from the nation. We can argue the toss about whether Thatcher mis-spent the revenues from North Sea oil. But what she did not do was pocket a large slice of these revenues. Its estimated that Putin pocketed $200m just from the collapse of Yukos.
And related to all that is how much the country and the people are benefiting from Russia’s enormous mineral and oil wealth. Not a lot. They should. There should be fantastic infrastructure, hospitals, schools, etc. There is not. And if the population woke up to this fact (which is difficult as they are fed daily lies through entirely state run media) they can’t do anything. Opposition is killed off. Who would dare to try to unseat Putin when he runs the secret service, the army, the police - everything including gangs and militia?