Fig Trees, having got one here are like that to root. They throw out roots under the ground as well and then they creep along…after that I do not know as we cut ours back at least twice each year…It is very near the house, looks attractive and gives some shade as well as a lot of fruit, that we don’t actually eat…
He said also it grows well in pots, indoors…then follow the sun from room to room, that could work as long as the sun does shine…
I could grow them in the conservatory, next year decided not to grow chillies, got so many don’t need anymore.
Oooh I’m watching that plant one, Roj…I have been trying to patiently grow an avocado for a while now and its not faring too well in the pot.
The baby eggplant one freaked me out.
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Steel and zinc rarely ends up rusting on a tip, it ends up in a blast furnace somewhere.
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