Urgent government warning

Yes there has been a very important government warning in the last few minutes. It has been noticed there will be a sever shortage, so everyone should take the following action straight away. Advanced stocking up may help in the short term. Shops and supermarkets are bound to run out of stock very quickly. New sources of supply are being searched for world wide but arranging international contracts take time let along replenishing deleted stock

So when using toilet paper to cut down on amount used the government experts advice is using both sides. this should cut the amount being used by 50 per cent.


Well you could take it outside, hang it up and hose it down when you’re cleaning your car :wink:

Ooops wrong topic, different thread :zipper_mouth_face:

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Are you talking about the toilet paper or our butts here?

Could give the neighbours a heart attack :rofl::rofl:

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Really Maree!
Must we lower the tone of the forum? I’m surprised, very surprised and somewhat taken aback I hasten to add :wink:

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I heard that there is a shortage of apostrophes and people are being asked to reduce their use.

IMO if they stopped talking shyte most the the time, that would cut the need exponentially :grin:


Ive always wanted a Bidet , the money saved and its good for the envioment…

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so its going to be a ten month year, guess which months have been eliminated

same thing happened in the second world war, even Churchill went to bed with a rifle. He was afraid there might be a jerry under the bed

You could always buy the Daily Mail.