Update on Pixie

I hope she gets some relief from pain and a really good sleep. Glad to hear the stitches are healing well.

Did you say she’s at St. Mary’s in Kitchener?

Oops! My apologies for veering off topic!

Me too (sorry)

Mollie, personally I don’t see this as a problem as quite often threads go off the subject a bit, we are all guilty of this!! But then somebody kindly posts a thread on the subject and then its all back on track :smiley:

Thanks for the update on Pixie.

Hi every one my pian is now under control
storger pian killers
my stches are healing good my doc says its going to be a long road
have to take my heart pillow when i goout get funny looks
but its for 2 more weeks
still going for blood tests every week untill it gets settled down

That’s such good news to hear Pixie, sounds like you’re over the worst of it? Onwards and upwards now, (slowly of course), just think about the Spring and the Summer coming and sitting out in the garden with a good book and no pain.

feels like spring today pluss 6 yeh looking forward to sitting out
on friday I went out alone took 2 buses just doing norwamlthings feels good
still need help frommy husband in the shower and washing my hiar cant put both my hand over my head yet

Pardon? Two buses on your own Pixie? That’s very brave of you.

yeh had to go see my docter I do not drive the doc says it was ok
as long as I have my pillow to protect my sternam as its wired

Well that is amazing Pixie, really it is. I hope it didn’t exhaust you too much. Look what difference just a week has made :slight_smile:

Pleased to hear good news from you Pixie-at least you’ve got the pain under control now. Well done getting to your Doctors but take care and take it easy…

Very pleased to hear your doing so well pixie, and your pain is now under control.

Pleased to hear this Pixie. :slight_smile: but don’t overdo it :slight_smile:

Good news pixie, take care.

Oh Wow!!! Ann darlin’ - you’re allowed out alone??? - my physio-terrorist chewed my ear last week 'cos I went for a walk on my own on Wednesday - all of 100 yards to the end of my road and back. Not allowed to do that again till she gives me permission to do so!!!

yes out on my own had to take the buss yrestreday to get my nri blood test
slowley doing things i used to was month yestrday since my opp

Ann darlin’ you are doing fabulously well - far better than I am - I’m still confined to my home for the next four weeks.:cry::cry::cry:

Great to hear you’re on the move Ann…I understand how frustrating it must be to be held back on ‘normal’ activities, but this is all part of the healing process, and before you know it, you will be on top form again :slight_smile:

A month yesterday! It only seems like a couple of weeks ago!

Take care xx

Time passes quick Ann. You are doing really well, after the operation you went through. Don’t be over doing thing though. Take carexx

had no pian killers now in 2 days
my chest is still verry tender indeed and feels hot
going to se the cardoolgist in 3 weeks
but out walking not getting out of breath as mutch now
I have a list on my fridge things i want to do and things i can do
the list of cans is growing i have a few more goals yet like washing my own hiat getting a wash on my own and to be able to tie my hiar back :slight_smile: