United States passes one million Covid deaths

I still don’t understand your point. Asymptomatic means you have the virus, but don’t show any symptoms and was pointed out to us at all the press conferences.

We were told you can spread the virus when asymptomatic - you can’t there is not enough viral load to do it. There is not enough virus to give symptoms either.

Complete myth

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Well I haven’t heard anything about it lately, so don’t know if things have changed or not.

And can’t you see how silly this statement is:

There is not enough virus to give symptoms either.

Seeing that asymptomatic means having the virus, but showing no symptoms.

Yes - your agreeing with me but the point is that there is insufficient viral load to spread it either.

Remember when we were told we had to wear facemasks because we could spread the virus even if we were asymptomatic ?

Yes I do remember that, but as I say, I don’t know if things have changed or not and that they are now saying you can’t spread it. I’ve tried googling, but nothing comes up regarding the current way of thinking, so can only assume they still think you can. And until I hear otherwise from a medical professional that’s my way of thinking too.