Unicorns, Mermaids and Fairies


Welcome to the strange world of young girls.

Unicorns and mermaids are very real and important.

I know nothing, so am having to learn.
We are now building a garden for the fairies.

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I hope you have bought them a fairy door?..fits nicely at the bottom of a tree…children love that magical sort of thing…


For a mo there I thought that this might have been a thread about religions :smiley:

You should read The Secret Commonwealth by the 17th Century (I think it was 17th Century.) Scottish priest, Robert Kirk.

Robert gives us a written record of Scottish folklore, written at a time when it was still believed in.

Legend has it that following Kirks death, he became chaplain to the Fairy Queen.

One thing Robert Kirk tells is that, an Elf is so called because it is one Ell Tall. An Ell is an old Scottish measurement. The Flemish, Danish & a few others also had Ell as a measurement. But each at a slightly different length. But is basically the measurement from your elbow, to your fingertips.

Of course Unicorns, Dragons, Mermaids and Faeries are real! Just because they haven’t been seen for awhile doesn’t mean they are not there. I haven’t seen a Giraffe for years but am sure they are still around.

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That’s bloody brill…and you are right! I am now a believer :smiley:

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This Unicorn was photographed some years ago in the foothills of Kilimanjaro.

He was probably escaping from this:-


Dragons are very real, as are Unicorns, Fairies are not always nice though. Read Terry Pratchett Tiffany books. :grinning: These are lovely though.

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Six year olds know about these things, I am just an idiot.

I am even older than her Mummy.

Great Fun.

What a soggy song. :grinning: :grinning:

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Is it any wonder the Unicorns hide!

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Jasmine was about 4 when playing in my garden she lost a front tooth , we searched for ages but never found it , she cried because she wanted to leave it for the fairies under her pillow for a silver coin . I told her I would chat with the fairies in my garden

A week or so later jasmine came to see me and would you believe hanging on the rose bush was a coloured envelope covered in silver sparkles addressed to jasmine . She gently opened the envelope to read a handwritten letter in gold ink thanking her for the tooth as it was now being used as a bed for the baby fairies . Of course Jasmine was now delighted that her tooth wasnt lost after all .


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