Under the bonnet

Well that’s the end of that then, Twink. Shame.


This is all Tpin’s fault you know. He started this perfectly innocent thread going downhill. I blame him entirely ya know.:wink:

Someone told me you can get those boiler suit type things from Poundland! I must have a look!!
Twink, l take the stilettos off when l’m in the pit, under the car! They are not necessary then!! :lol:

I’m glad you didn’t say “an old boiler suit”…I’d have got into some deep trouble if you had…phew.:lol:

I did start a car maintenance course once, Art.
You have the memory of an elephant.:slight_smile:

The course was roughly back in the early 70’s, and I probably said once before, I left in the first few weeks because we never left the classroom. I needed to see the engines he was talking about, and see him demonstrate, it meant nothing to me just hearing someone talk.

Anyway, at least I can do me own oil safely. :wink: :lol:

If you can find the engine:lol:

Right. That does it.

I’m outa here.
You wait till you want my help or advice with something!
I shall remember all this ya know. :wink:

Yer knows I loves yer.

:shock: You’re calling Mups a DOG! :shock:

Aaw, thank you cherub. You little charmer. :smiley:

Now be off with yer, else you’ll have me going all weak and wobbly. :slight_smile: X

Now don’t you start JBR !

The other one has only just quietened down. :lol:

I remember my first car, a Vauxhall Viva had an engine in traditional front-to-back orientation, and a great deal of space all around it.

I seem to remember that you could get to just about everything.

Yes, you could with my Morris Minors too. :slight_smile:

I had the pick up truck with a canvas cover, then the Traveller with the wood on the sides, and lastly a little white saloon.

I was very fond of my Moggies. :slight_smile:

This is the first engine that truly scares me…every car I’ve ever had I’ve worked on at some point…not this one.

I just wait for a light to come on, then it probably needs some sort of attention.

Agreed. Apart from topping up the fluids, the only other thing I do under the bonnet is to wipe the plastic covers over with a damp cloth:lol::lol:

Try fathoming this out:lol:

My Isuzu came with 5 years fixed price servicing. The 40000km service (a biggie) was $760 in Broome but would have been the same where ever it was done.

My Colt was a nightmare with its transverse engine.


… but the Isuzu is OK only the turbo has a plastic cover over it. The box upper left is just the air filter.


It is a plumber’s delight. However there is a difference in scale, the Colt weighed 0.75 tonnes whereas the Isuzu weighs 2 tonnes.