UK vs USA - Whose Songs are BETTER? #3

This is a video by Roomie Official. He does a lot of commentary on music videos. He is Swedish.

I’m not sure who picked the matchups, but it wasn’t him. Maybe someone from his team.

Roomie had the US winning the matchups by 6-3.

I’m personally more familiar with the UK singers so I was rooting for some of them, but some the US songs were more iconic.

Who do you think won? Are there songs that would make a more fair matchup?

Elvis and Jail House Rock against the Beatles and Come Together ???

What’s all that about?


That was a tough one. Two classics.

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I think you need to look at the duff songs as well as the classics. In this, for me, the US panoply of pish (soft rock, rubbish country, etc etc) outstrips the UK (comedy single for example). The US has occasional good songs and so many bad songs. The UK consistently good songs, year after year, and merely a decent size bucket of bad songs.

You can only judge one song against another if one of them’s a cover.

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I feel that both the UK and the US have contributed differently to the music industry.

I can’t choose between them so I’ll just enjoy listening :musical_score: