UK to move backwards to useless imperial measures

Your clarification is well founded. The title of this thread is plainly wrong and it should be more clear. Such imperial measures are used and used successfully - thus not without use. I apologise. I should have written “UK to move backwards with dumb move to imperial measures (which are used in places are archaic, clunky and ill-suited to anything other than the most basic measurements)”. I hope that settles things. Thank for your patience.

I think that is somewhat over stating the impact of dropping imperial measures will have. To claim such a move would erase history is just silly.

You’ve got to look at the bigger picture Lincs…

How can you say that? We haven’t had Brexit!

OMG are we not nearly there yet?

Then I shall enjoy a yard of ale for the trouble…)

We never will be d00d through lack of interest or loss of earnings for the big boys.
I didn’t vote for the complete failure that brexit turned out to be…It could have been wonderful…


It is something the ERGm the rabid brexiteers have been wanting.

Sunak is so weak he has to keep the right of the Tory Party happy.

We have had a very hard Brexit, far more difficult then it should have been.

We have not delivered on Fisheries, no bog new trade deals, the ones we have got have mainly replaced the ones we had but on worse terms for the UK.

The big pan Asia Pacific one, the one touted as being worth trillions is not even worth a billion to the UK and again gives the others more than they gave us.

We have not even started to put the checks in on imports from the EU, but the EU put checks in on our goods from day one and grabbed the advantages of that.

We have more immigration, not less and have not put money into training our own in the well paid skilled jobs.

The only saving grace regarding the present Government is that it would have been worse under Corbyn.

But we are successfully adding more costs and problems for British companies. Hurrah. More benefits.

So what you are saying Swim is: Because our government virtually handed the country over to Brussels back in the seventies (where it was raped of it’s industry and wealth) and not had to govern, they have forgotten how to run a successful country, and now find themselves floundering around cap in hand Ready to accept any worthless deal anybody has to offer. Other countries know that we are on our uppers and give us the crumbs off their tables for old time sake. We have nothing to offer the world, all our stuff comes from China and the far east, all our food comes from faraway lands, and all our weapons and munitions come from America, and the EU are better off without us, except for using us to send all the flotsum and jetsum that is clogging up Europe.

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Britain invented all this stuff, and now the teacher becomes the pupil… :009:

I’ve got used to getting four reasonable glasses out of a bottle of wine now. So if I’m now only getting 1/4 pint in a glass I’m going to feel short served. Its bound to mean “less for more”!

On a slightly different tack many of you here know that I have travelled a bit on various projects, USA being a of these Quite often the power electronics came from there. And still does. And not metric.

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I’d be interested to know what measures used in this equipment is not metric. Do you mean they used units other than watts, amps, farads, ohms and volts? Or do you refer to the length or weight of a piece of equipment?

I’m the same, 4 glasses. If wine is ever sold in pint bottles I won’t be buying it.

Typically they use units like horse power for pumps and other electrical machines. Some were fairly large machines. I had one project. a long time ago, was 1200 kW, 800V. That was near Disneyland. The units were feet and inches. We then converted the units when we moved it to UK.

In the 1980s worked in a couple of power stations then run by the Electricity Commission of NSW (ECNSW), they were built in the 1950s and the instrumentation was of that era, everything was measured in imperial, psi, tons, Fahrenheit, gallons etc.

Later I worked for BHP on similar plant of similar vintage, largely bought secondhand from the ECNSW, but all the instrumentation had been converted to kpa, Celsius, tonnes, litres etc

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I don’t think it matters which units you use as long as you have the ability to convert should it be necessary. It doesn’t make any difference to us plebs, except it’s usually done for some sort of monetary benefit for the establishment.

Just leave paces alone, or else :astonished:

I am not sure about that.

Occasionally when my kids help me I might say something silly like, “Move it about an inch toward me.” The object in question could move anything from a centimetre to a metre, they have absolutely no concept of imperial measures at all.

My daughter once asked me, “What are lumbs and ozzies?” when she was browsing one of my old cook books - since then all cook books that I used to have with imperial measures have long gone to make cardboard.

Personally I cannot longer remember whether there are 14 oz to the lb or 16, I vaguely remember that those two numbers have something to do with it. I also remember that there is about 7kpa to 1psi but being forced to use metric was the best thing that happened to this country, no half baked using both concurrently - all references to imperial measurements were banned. I hated it at the time but they knew what was best for me :grin: and they were right.

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