UK to move backwards to useless imperial measures

Yes indeed. My father was a farmer and used various units like cwt, bushels, and some other obscure units.

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You’re wrong. The units were not useless. They were correct and accurate.

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and, what about when Shylock wants his .453592 kilos of flesh?

I have not questioned whether units such as ounces and inches are inaccurate. They have a precise standard and can be applied with precision. I am questioning the practicality of their application. Inches break down into fractions - 1/8ths etc. That is dumb and impractical for calculations (possible, yes but impractical). There are 16 ounces in a pound and 14 pound in a stone. Since when does anyone think its easier to apply 14 or a 16 based numbering system rather than a decimal one?
So my point is very valid and you are referring to something else (that is, can these measures be applied consistently and accurately). I don’t disagree with that claim.

Really? I already gave you practical measures like in a paper mill. Here’s another.- the tyre size for a Honda Accord. In fact most car sizes are Imperial. The only one knew of differently was my 2.8 Ford Granada Ghia.

Can we agree that a quarter, a half, three quarters etc are imperial, the metric equivalents being 25%, 50%,75%, this being the case, how come we don’t go into the Butchers shop and ask for 50% of a kilo of Back Bacon???

Next time you are in the pub ask for .5682612litres of bitter.

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19.84% of a Kilo of two pence Rice
19.84% of a Kilo of Treacle
That’s the way the decimal goes
Pop goes the imperial
:grin: :icon_wink:

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This thread is a peck short of a bushel 
or a yard short of a chain.


Aye, that takes me back.

So when I’m cooking it’s a handful of this, a pinch of that 
 a cup, a glug, a spoon, a sprinkle, a slice, a good old fashioned measurement.


Who is winding up who, in your opinion? :rofl:

According to the Official Government Press Release from the Government Department of Trade, it has everything to do with Brexit - this is the phrase they began their Press Release with

'Pint’ size wine stocked on Britain’s shelves for the first time ever thanks to new freedoms from leaving the European Union

I think it’s rather funny that the British once pushed other European Nations to standardise their wine bottles sizes to 750 ml and sell them in cases of 6, to fit in with the British imperial gallon - then years later, some people looking for reasons to slate the EU and rouse up the British “patriots” to get them “hot under the collar” about this standard being applied in our own country! How ironic!

And now most folk have got used to buying wine in 75cl bottles - I cannot remember even a time when it wasn’t - and the Govt decide complicate our shopping trips by introducing options to bottle wine in pints.
It is such farce, on a par with the “Yes, Minister” sit-com - you really couldn’t make some of this stuff up!

“Do as I say but don’t do as I do springs to mind!” - :rofl:

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But you are still incorrect. As I have explained for you a few times Imperial units do have their uses. Not to mention US units.

The government are winding us up boot. They didn’t want brexit in the first place but realised it was a vote winner and it worked. They also realised that they could dumb it down and provide examples of how it wasn’t working over the next few years until people begged them to return to the EU.
It’s an establishment tactic to make people think they are getting their own way when really they have been out flanked and are really doing what the establishment wanted all the time.

You have offered examples of when certain units of measure are commonly applied, even become the normal measure for that application or industry. That does not offer an argument in favour of these units being used. The examples are simply “here is where this unit is still commonly used”. That provides no information on any benefits or gains from the continual usage, nor does it provide an argument against switching to metric units. So I am unable to see how that leads you to a conclusion that I am incorrect in my assertion that imperial units are clunky, out of date and act as a obstacle to simple calculations.

The point is that they exist and continue operate perfectly functionally so you can’t really call them useless. But you did

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As I understand it since 1959 all imperial measures have been defined by their metric equivalent ie 1lb is defined as 0.45359237 kg

No, surely they are mathematical terms?

Of course I’m not saying that if some British things were utterly pants they shouldn’t be abandoned Lincs. But driving on the left side of the road, keeping the pound as the official currency of the UK, speaking English and keeping the imperial system is part of the British way of life, in the same way that speaking the Welsh language is important to Patriotic Welsh folk. No doubt as we are forced into globalism the imperial system will eventually die a death and we will become just another faceless country with no identity or history. Obviously to people who have no allegiance and place wealth and personal gain before patriotism will never understand.
The British engineers have used metric and imperial side by side for many years, it has never been a problem, so why are the government wanting to alter it now? Has anyone asked them? Or is it sensationalism in the press with their interpretation in an attempt to wind people up.

They’re altering it to show brexit is working


Yes, imperial mathematical terms :smiley:

Yup, definitely just throwing a sop to the Brexiteers so they can pretend the harm they’ve done to our country and our future wasn’t completely pointless