UK heatwave: Temperatures rise to 31.8C and could climb further

I know these things happen in cycles, but I also believe we have accelerated them with our actions, and - furthermore - we aren’t doing anything about trying to stop it either…


Exactly … :+1:


Some people are but it’s not enough


This is where I start to bang my head against the wall!
What can WE do about it?
Sorry for shouting :wink:

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Stop buying throw away stuff from China for a start . Recycle .
Use less water . There really is no need to flush for number ones all the time ( this is practised in very hot countries) stop using tumble dryers and unnecessary dish washers .
Have less of everything .
We are wasteful throw away society we can change this.


I took my son to Gerrard Street a couple of months ago, what a refreshing change to buy and appreciate goods made and produced in China, we’ll be going back:-)

I haven’t had a tumble dryer for years, I remember it was rather expensive to run even then, I wouldn’t even consider having one now!

My number ones are my own business if you don’t mind, no pun intended. :slight_smile:

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“If it’s a wee leave it be
If it’s brown flush it down” :poop:


The loo

If you use me keep me clean and I won’t tell what I have seen


Same here.

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Isn’t it a bit late to try and overhaul the way you live your daily lives to save the planet?

How many cars are on the roads?
How much rubbish do we cram into landfill sites?
How much nuclear or toxic waste is cargoed around the worlds oceans to be ‘safely dealt with’?

Could everyone live without plastics? From food packaging, easy peasy to change that one … but what about all electric appliances? Mobile phones, computers … ?

Electric cars?
What is the carbon footprint to make one?

Phasing out fossil fuels?
It’s never gonna happen until the last coal seam or gas reserve or oil well has run dry.
First because too much money is involved and the global economy is too tied up with it all.
Secondly … because despite claiming their ‘green credentials’ no government or organisation is investing heavily enough to develop a viable alternative so that modern society can continue to keep the same standard of living.

Most of these schemes are just gimmicks by governments eager to be seen to be ‘planet friendly’ … and the difference they will ultimately make is negligible because it’ll be our capacity to breed and overpopulate the planet that will be the final nail in the coffin.
Would there have ever been global warming if there had been no Industrial Revolution?


Good post, Morti.
As long as things benefit man, or make them lots of money, they won’t stop doing them.


Ooh, I do believe I just heard a rumble of thunder.
The sky’s gone all dark grey too . . .
Hope we are not in for a humdinger of a storm, big ones scare me a bit.


Its 21°C here at 8pm. Cloudy and heavy air. I can’t believe I’m hoping for rain, but I am :cloud_with_rain:

Send it my way Mups … I love them.

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Hmmm, I don’t the look of this sky Morti, and it is incredibly sticky now too, I bet something’s brewing.
I know we badly need the rain, but I can do without the thunder and lightning too. :open_mouth:

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The sky’s getting grey here too,
I love storms!
I remember one of my neighbours had a daughter, her name was Storm.
Now that’s a special name.

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Than I will have to stand outside, and blow really hard, and see if I can send it down your way Chilli. :smiley:


Please do Mups, please do :slight_smile:

We just need to invent houses that are like a thermos flask

Yes looks pretty scary, Wizard of Oz scary