Two Silly Cows

Does anyone know what this court case is all about? it seems like some silly women trying to get the better of each other…I suppose all publicity is good publicity.

Tried reading the article but it was too convoluted for my brain to even want to try and untangle.

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I read the article but gave up trying to understand it

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Colleen accused Rebeca of some private information from her account being leaked, it’s going to the high May I believe.Rebeca won’t apologise to Coleen either…it could cost over a million in legal fees I believe for Rebeca ,that’s what I’ve read,

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Sympathy goes to the judge who had to listen to all that she said she said she said … drivel, try to make sense of it all and then find and apply whatever statute law it referred to.

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As I said all publicity is good publicity Blondy…just a pair of attention seekers.

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One would hope that the courts have more pressing things to deal with which might actually protect and benefit far more people who are victims of crimes such as burglary, murder, rape etc…


One can always hope - but - those are probably not as lucrative from the lawyers point of view! Not that I am cynical or anything :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:


I’ve heard about this case, but don’t know any of the details and don’t want to. Really do wish the media would get back to reporting about real news again instead of just gossip.

Oh! those two! What Thicko’s!

They want their heads, not, knocked together, but off completely.

There are people dying of starvation in the world and these two Thicko’s are arguing about…she said this, she said that… and paying millions of money to greedy, grasping lawyers to prove a load of tosh!

I’ll lay odds at least was a trust level three :point_right: pmsl

Luckily they have the millions to fight with .
Colleen Rooney seems like a decent person I know nothing about the other one except her language would make a trooper blush

Coleen and Wayne were childhood sweethearts.:heartpulse:

Who cares? I don’t.

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More money than sense the pair of them.

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