Twitter is now X

Elon Musk changed the name of Twitter to X, then changed it back and then back to X.

I noticed it when the icons on my phone looked odd. I think I’ll be uninstalling it now.

I’ve always thought Twitter was a good name for the twittering that goes on via Twitter!

I’ve never used Twitter but I saw News Reports that Musk had decided to change the brand name. I thought it was an odd decision, after spending a fortune to acquire the well-established cleverly named brand and well recognised logo, to drop the logo and change the name to a new and nondescript name like X

Then I discovered that Musk has other companies using the name X and, according to the Reports I read, he is planning to incorporate Twitter, re-branded as X, into a lifestyle “App” that does “everything” - I’m not quite sure what services “everything” incorporates but examples given was “everything” from gossiping on Social Media to doing your Online Banking - even if I was happy to use the social media side of it, the idea of linking social media membership to my banking and finances would send me running for the hills!

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Time to change my ID.

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I had a twitter/X account for a time, but I was fed up with the constant Donald Trump tweets from practically everyone all the time, as if people have nothing else better to talk about.

Your twitter (X) feed mostly reflects the accounts you follow Graham, perhaps you are following the wrong people.
I’ve had to sort my account out because I always come away angry, and time just evaporates while trying to find interesting or humorous posts. Time I could have spent being more productive.

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