Trying new settings on Pana,G9

went out in the garden this morning as I found a new camera setting called high resolution used it before so set the camera up on a table top tripod and fired off a few shots.
it is suprising what the camera sees and I missed


original photo

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original file size 10398 x 7794

now reduced by50%


0 %

seems to me no matter how much a photo is reduced by the quality just isn’t there due to the internet. if you could see the original on my computer you would agree

below tried via flckr
P1004424vvvvvv by bazza, on Flickr

deleted same photo

Personally I always reduce the size of my photos before posting, if for no other reason than to reduce the load on @Azz 's server. It also uploads quicker plus the forum software reduces every pic to approximately the same size anyway.

For example the original of this photo on my phone was 2.4Mb whereas the smaller 1200by 800 version below is only 270Kb and to the forum viewer there is little noticeable difference. Photos from a camera are an even bigger file size and, personally I think it is inconsiderate to upload such large files to the forum (yes I know one of yours is on flicker) because the owner has to pay for the disc space.

Just my opinion.

bruce these are an RW2 photos which are exclusive to Panasonic.

quote " RW2 files are raw image data files that are used by Panasonic Lumix Digital Cameras. They store uncompressed image data directly from the camera sensor." unquote.

I have to go into an editing suite to change them into Jpeg photo . Canon cameras have their own similar ones. I was disappointed with those above as the internet degraded then so much with whatever means I used.

I believe it’s the way the photos are being uploaded and displayed that’s the problem. I think they need resizing before uploading. If not done, a forum or an image host will most likely do that for you to save on bandwidth usage. I mean, a 1200 pixel wide image reduced to 55KB is never going to look that good. Too many pixels dropped to achieve that file size somewhere along the line I’d think. OK perhaps for general photos but not when hoping to demonstrate definition.

The photo shown below is 700 pixels wide with a file size of 140KB (hosted on IMGUR) which shows photos can display with definition on the Internet. This is only a Canon compact camera too.

I note the forum cuts down the page display of a photo to a width of 690 pixels. Other forums are similar. If posting on more than one place, a little resizing down done by the forum software isn’t going to notice. It’s just when you want to show large photos with high definition that automatic resizing of file size and/or physical size steps in, so not showing off the photo to best effect.

It doesn’t matter if they were hand painted by a goblin in a box looking through the camera lens, the point I am making about file sizes and forum uploads still stands.

tried something else internet not good enough yet again