Truss: 'Absolutely no shame' over tax cut U-turn

For me it is truly scary that from a fairly broad church that is the tory party (or was until about 5 years ago) we have a neo-liberal, far to the political right government. And similarly behind them a very neo-liberal bunch of advisors - most of whom seem to come from think tanks. And these tend to be pretty shady think tanks with unclear funding and unclear agenda / objectives.
Truss is merely a mouth piece for these advisors. Not a very good one but someone who seems happy to stand up and spout these neo-liberal aims.
The goals for this minority group, unelected & not voted for, is to create an unregulated, hyper low tax Singapore type country. Its about stoking the wealth of the rich and about quick bucks - not considered, long term investment. It will ruin the UK.
So no shame from Truss as she continues to do the job these people want her to do.

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In her conference speech, she remarked how she is the first PM to have attended comprehensive school. Having spent my teaching career working in such establishments, I can hand on heart state that this she is not stereotypical in what we try to turn out.

I’m now imagining her end of year report card.
“Elizabeth is a trier. Indeed she tries everyone to their limit. She appears to be easily led by others and often latches onto ideas that she appears to barely understand. She is very good at subjects that require rote learning. Her times tables, her recall of the periodic table and latin declensions are excellent. However she is very poor at subjects that require imagination and creativity. She would do well to try to better empathise with her fellow students.”


She kinda frightens me as she does not seem to have any clue what to do. Also, her ability to seemingly throw away government policies without a glance behind her as to the chaos she causes. No empathy no
awareness of the world around her. Leading (in the loosest sense of the word) all of us to hell in a handbasket


I think the trickle has worked for me :thinking:

The conservatives are in disarray, confusion and meltdown. Yet talking to people at work today its scary even with all that going on the majority are still not wanting Labour and or Keir Starmer. Opposition parties do not win elections governments loose them - in our case we would do better importing another countries political party to have a go or sack the lot of them dissolve parliament and to be honest not sure we could be worse off. Put their pay into NHS and other priorities

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Trickle or treat?

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Both really.

Here have a tissue :wink:

What most of us already realized.

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Nice one :laughing:

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I was watching some linked together pieces on YouTube and she can’t string a sentence together without the autocue lol

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Who really governs the Government?


Have you a link about that to reassure me?

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There’ll be nothing officially published that states the intention, but the press reports remain strongly indicative that the theory has legs.

Truss had foresight to claim that there is no shame in making a u-turn. It looks like she is about to execute another not-shameful u-turn - this time over the corporation tax reduction.
This government really has to go. It is not voted for, it is not working to the 2019 manifesto which would be the closest to credibility it could achieve, and its set out policies that are unworkable & unpopular. Two muppets who can’t lead their tame MPs let alone the rest of their party, let alone parliament, let alone the country.

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Now then, how does that Gloria Gaynor song go?

For Kwarteng the song is presumably “I am what I am” with the words “I don’t want praise I don’t want pity”. Which is about right because he’ll get neither!

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Shouldn’t laugh but it really is quite funny watching her being grilled and how that sends shivers down her spine - she deserves it of course - vile creature trying to support big businesses and the rich instead of those most in need :icon_mad: