Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill - Update - Mike Pence testifies in criminal probe of Trump


That’s true. No-one dare question it.

Trump? I read that he’d told them all to go home.

I agree with this. I have always thought Trump was a good leader, a strong leader, and was doing the right things for America.

OK, he was voted out. If that’s what the majority of Americans want, that’s what should happen.

He would have been better advised to just step down and wait to see what happens under Bidet.
Time will tell, but I think that with Bidet in charge the American public might just have a change of heart before too long!

He’s encouraged it

This episode makes America a laughing stock around the world. They must be laughing their socks off in Moscow, Beijing and all over the Middle East.

At least they didn’t surround the capitol with tanks etc did they
MM ??
OK ,one woman got shot, but that’s normal in USA ??


I can remember listening to him, he was being recorded secretly, he was telling who ever he was talking to about what some woman would allow him to do, because of his status/ power… as in intimate,…that was before he was president and what about the alleged affair he had when he was married to his now wife,…I know I shouldn’t assume, but I believe he seriously thinks he is some type of God, even by the way he stands, he gives off a superiority aura…sorry OGF, I know you’ll be after me in a minute,:lol::lol:

Are a bunch of conspiracy theorists really able to undermine the running of an entire country. For Trumps claim of election fraud to have any credibility, it would require everyone involved in vote counting to remain schtum and deliberately hide/lie about the real outcome. Is this possible? Maybe before online social media was available and when the only real way of getting something out in the public domain was via journalists who were willing to listen and report. Nowadays, this is simply not possible.

Not at all Pauline, I think he has gone too far this time.
I don’t really care what politicians get up to in their own time, (within reason of course) but I can see how adultery would upset a woman and make him public enemy number one…

As an aside, the name of one of his previous sexual encounters (Stormy Daniels) does seem to have stuck in his head as a useful way of showing his prowess.

I do think postal voting can add another dimension to fraud Dex, there are many reasons why votes could get mislaid, and not always intentionally.

Have you ever watched him closely OGF,? On camera, there are body experts who have done this to him, I find it fascinating, you can tell a lot about a person by watching their body language, I don’t mean deep intimate stuff…:slight_smile:

Definitely and we would never know, that’s my opinion.

Ecky Thump! Neever can I, old lad!

We ave to shurrup!:

or else!


Precisely. There will always be mishaps, but it is an entirely different matter to claim that these were not mishaps at all and that there was a deliberate conspiracy.

:023:…i. agree…crikey, that makes a change,:lol::mrgreen:

Trump HAS been robbed. America will now suffer because of it.

Pity Trump didn’t practice what he preached… “The first duty of government is to ensure domestic tranquility and defend the life, property, and rights of its citizens.”

He personally instigated armed insurrectionists to attack the Capitol. He is an excrescence on the American nation, and a madman, to boot. Even his own political party want rid of him and are contemplating using the 25th to do so. Waaay overdue, but of course it took the Republicans this long to grow a backbone.

I know very little, in fact nothing about what’s going on in America, only what I have read.

My question is…why hasn’t Mr Trump addressed these rioters…and asked for peace and calm, to respect the vote and leave with dignity and respect, not just for himself, but for all of America.

Or does he want to go down in History? remembered for this, in the most undignified manner…just my thoughts.

Edit to add, people have died because of this, valuable human life has been lost.

Pauline, he did respond to the event, but it was weak and too late. He basically told everyone just to go home. The speech fell entirely to short by failing to condemn the rioters.

The good news is that as of late last night, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had posted on its website a request for information that would identify those who had stormed the capitol. Even better, Republicans are likewise working to identify those involved. No one is going to let this slide.

I thought the statements made by our allies in response to yeserday’s events were excellent. This whole incident has me and others both angry and embarrassed. I hope my party is the most rigorous in going after these thugs.