True or False Game

not if it means a walk to the pub :slight_smile:

TNP had a crush on a teacher when they were at school

False, I think one had the hots for me.:wink:

TNP listens to other peoples conversations on public transport.

I never use public transport

TNP wants to know why zebras have stripes.

False. I know cos a Zebra once told me they like to be ready for bed at any time.

TNP thinks thatā€™s just a Cock & Zebra story.

Nah-it MUST be true,EZ-although Iā€™ve never seen one use a crossingā€¦

TNP has decided to ā€˜be true to themselvesā€™ and dress as a Minionā€¦

Then iā€™ll be the one in a Minion

I saw a Zebra crossing once. He was saying " Now you see me, now you donā€™t" with every step he took.

What about Pelicans?

Oh,theyā€™re annoying-they press the button,but donā€™t wait for the green man,BEAKause theyā€™re in a hurryā€¦

ā€¦see what I did there?..

A pun what fun

TNP likes words that rhyme

True. Also words that sound the same like Through & Threw.

TNP could suggest lots of them.

Here hear

TNP knows the difference between Homophone, Homograph & Homonym

I do when I look it up, then instantly forget it.

TNP would love to own a tea shop by the sea.

False too much hard work.

TNP likes Fridays.

I like all days

TNP thinks tattoos are sexy

Possibly. But only on ladies of the female type and only if iā€™m allowed to trace the outline with a finger.

TNP has spent most of the morning in the garden.

False. My garden is covered in snow.

TNP has a stubbly chin.

Yes, I need to shave but canā€™t be bothered.

TNP sometimes slides down the bannisters

Hmm, I would love to, but in a bungalow? Never going to be EZ.

TNP likes to have a flutter on the horses.

False I would need help.

TNP can make horse noises.


TNP prefers coffee to tea