TNP used to sit up all night.
TNP used to sit up all night.
True before I retired I used to have peculiar sleeping habits…probably why I have difficulty sleeping at night now
TNP…used to be a punk rocker
True, I loved most punk and new wave but changed from a punk to a bit of a Mod.
TNP was once a ‘Rocker’
False before my time.
TNP has never looked in cheeky.
False. I have.
TNP is feeling a bit…’ fired up’ this morning.
True. ‘Fired up’ only ever happens in the mornings for me.
TNP wishes they were young again and knew now what they didn’t know then.
Had to think about that and I’m still not sure.
TNP prefers stockings to tights
I better not say.
TNP prefers stockings.
I better not say
TNP is a spoilsport.
False I am saving it. x
TNP loves Friday’s.
True… I do love Fridays and I definitely prefer stockings.
TNP loves having holidays in the UK.
True. I love all days.
TNP believes in fairies
Ignore my one this is most important. thank you CherrieB
Errrr where were we?
Fairies … it’s difficult not to.
TNP does opera in the shower.
True, usually Nessun Dorma.
TNP has broken a mirror within the last seven years.
Yes, a door mirror.
TNP enjoys mood lighting
False. I’m never in that sort of mood.
TNP can easily fly into a rage.
Not easily but occasionally, I would say once a year.
TNP Likes pickles
True, Speshly pickle dunnions
TNP wonders how many Ps and Cs in pickle lily.
False. There are 2 Cs, 3 Ls, 3is, 1A and just 1P, but .I prefer the way that you spell it EZ.
TNP has tickets to go and see Eddie Izzard in concert later in the year.