Trolls - named and shamed!

Yes Pesta, i remember those, and didnt there used to be tiny ones to stick on the end of a pencil as well?
(Bet that hurt) lol.

I think their eyes look closed because they are laughing - they are a witty bunch!
Yes - I do remember those - had one on my window sill - the sun bleached his hair white!

Oh yes - you are right, Mups,

Oh yes
 that’s right. I’d forgotten about those! (That made me chortle about the hurt bit :smiley: :smiley:)

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Are they laughing? TBH I’m struggling to see that on the laptop. But I’ll take your word for it Tabs :grinning:

I remember I had one of those plastic trolls and it’s hair was shocking pink.

No surprise there. :innocent:


Taken on our Norwegian holiday

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Gosh but that’s a hell of a big nose!

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One of the most beautiful countries I have visted. Hopefully covid permitting, going back again next year.

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Was his name Pinocchio?

I have a troll on my Fridge


No. It’s Judd.

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Wicked, Mups, I’ll tell him you said that - unless he promises to stay out of LTP!

Weren’t they on the end of a pencil? My hair would look like that if you stuck a pencil up my arse. (Old joke)


Tourist guide at the North Cape, Norway

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Realspeeds has got a friend, Tromso, Norway

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Oh I like him Warleyron - the first one, with the walking stick.
I’d love him standing by my front door. :smiley:

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Aren’t they ugly I love them :heart_eyes:

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