Travel dingbats

All dingbats have a travel connection can you guess them ?

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  1. Double decker bus
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2 Round the world cruise

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  1. Business class
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3 in transit

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  1. Seasoned traveller
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  1. Maiden voyage
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  1. Embark
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  1. Long haul
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6 Fly drive

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5 Back on Track

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sorry not track oops sorry it is correct

  1. Long haul
    2 Round the world cruise
    3 in transit
    4 Embark
    5 Back on Track
    6 Fly drive
    9 Business class
    10 Maiden voyage
    11 Seasoned traveller
    12 Double decker bus

correct answers just No7 & 8 still to guess

  1. on the open road
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  1. Back on board
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well done everyone all are now correctly guessed this round is now finished

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Thanks, Feey.

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