Tory Leadership Election 2022 - Part 2 - Rishi Sunak - Winner

None. Demorcracy? a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Dictactorship? form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations.

So are we now under Demorcratic Dictatorship? :confused:

My MP not voted for any of ‘the chosen few’ pleased about that. eta for now.


All small potatoes when you considered that a Prime Minister entered this country into an illegal war where many of our brave soldiers either died or suffered horrible disablements. And he wasn’t even investigated
A bit unfair to have made Boris resign for having a booze up with his work colleagues


There is a quite a big number of people, including people who would not vote tory, who seem to be happy to see Johnson return. And if you are a tory mp talking to the sort of people you spend time with (other tory mp’s, tory party members) then that may appear to be the majority of people. And if you are a tory mp who thinks the ‘charisma’ (I’d prefer other words myself) of Johnson is the best chance of greatly improving the current poll status of tory versus labour then you may be minded to think that Johnson is the best option. And if are a tory mp whose seat would be lost of the poll ratings are not reversed then you might really think Johnson is the best option. And if you are a tory mp who firmly believes that any other party would trash the UK (not a lot of introspection here) then you might well think that supporting Johnson is actually the best thing for the nation.
So I suspect quite a few tories will support Johnson because they happen to be convinced that it is in the country’s best interests that they do so. Even if the mood of the nation suggests its a bad idea.


Good post Strathmore, and I think you may well be right. However, I didn’t vote for Boris in the first place back in 2019 but I can understand why people did. He is a typical tory posh get, but in my opinion there is nobody who has got the balls to do a better job for them
Which Cameron, May and Truss have just proved. If Boris does get in, stand by for some wild parties in Downing street
 :mini: :mini: :mini:

What sort of mess are they in if they look at the possible members available (there are over 350 Tory mps ), and conclude that the only hope is to bring back someone who has demonstrably lied, who has been removed from post for his terrible judgement, who refused to leave office with any dignity but preferred to do no meaningful work and go on holidays instead, and who (if re-elected) will in effect have been given carte blanche to do wtf he wants (and ignore the outcome of any internal affairs investigation) safe in the knowledge that nobody will ever try to force him out again?

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He’ll still have to do what he is told by the creditors Dex

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Really? He could bankrupt the country and watch Rome burn, safe in the knowledge that his party won’t be willing to admit they made yet another catastrophic error in judgement and try to oust him. There’s a lot of damage he could do before the next GE.



Penny Mordaunt confirms she is running to replace Truss as PM

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Not sure if you’ve posted it somewhere already, but watching politics on bbc2 this morning, someone had asked the somewhat obvious question
what happens if there are 4 (or more,) candidates and none of them get over 100 votes?

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I’m sure there are people who would vote for Johnson 
but I’m more than willing to say I’m not one of them 
 I have principles.

Unlike Johnson who has brought disgrace to the office Prime Minister .
Covid breaches partygate
The lying the mockery the cheating.

Then there was Johnson’s resignation speech no contrition no apology just blaming others for the horrendous cockups .
Then listing his dubious successes .yuk

If that’s the best the conservatives can offer the nation best have a general election now


Those who govern those we elect to run the country.

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I swiped you Larry pic’ Maree, I hope you don’t mind.

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Who are Tory MPs backing so far?

Here’s the latest tally:

Rishi Sunak - 83
Boris Johnson - 42
Penny Mordaunt - 21

You’re very welcome!

Cum On, we all love a Toff don’t we? :icon_wink: