TOOFS - why not ? ( and Gummysharks )

“TOOFS”, “TOOFY PEGS” etc etc…

…at a smidgeon over 80 years and for various reasons I no longer have all my teeth.

What I do have are the remainder of what appeared naturally so many many years ago.

These of course arrived as my SECOND lot of teeth in this life, and again so long ago now that I can’t recall exactly when.

I vaguely recall one day perhaps 20 years ago when about to leave hospital, one of the nice nurses came up to me & asked me if I could or would smile.
I hadn’t been grumpy or whatever so was momentarilly bemused.

She then explained that as they were prepping for my departure she was actually just using that to check whether I had my own teeth or whether she needed to go searching for a set of chompers then, rather that later find them left behind under my pillow perhaps.

Over the decades I’ve lost more teeth, not helped by a couple of unscrupulous dentists, & strangely enough just missed on a third who was struck off, also for other unrelated criminal behaviour. ( He’d previously made the headlines in UK newspapers for malpractice. )

But moving forward to recent couple of days, for no apparent reason ( maybe something on TV ?? ) I was prompted to ponder why it is that we are only “issued” with (2) TWO sets of natural teeth throughout our lifetime.

When I watch TV, SO MANY people ( especially as I skid past the so called “reality” shows all appear to have IMMACULATE sets of perfectly aligned teeth
( unlike the rest of us ‘peasants’???

SO… WHY I ask do we not get or are not offered a THIRD??? perhaps even a FOURTH??? set of ridgy didge real netural chompers.?

They would be so damned useful at this point in life when some? most? of us are heading towards becoming “human gummy sharks” ??? :wink:

Your thoughts including other possible alternatives ??? :grin:


Apparently, we do have a third set…


This is brilliant!

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I’ve still got quite a few working teeth, albeit filled with amalgam, but the gums seem to be receding at an alarming rate…
:tooth: :grimacing: