Toasties in the evening

Persistent name calling is not allowed.

Mups thats ok i didn’t put them on the menu or make them :lol:

That sounds delicious Sue, I like a salad and chips with a lunchtime sandwich or toastie.

Beetroot is great for the libido, Malcolm. Along with celery. Have them both together and you’ll be positively rampant buddy:twisted:

I eat a lot of celery, I had some today in my moules mariniere starter at lunchtime.
I am lucky though, even at 71 years of age I have no libido problems.

Is persistent sarcasm?

Yes as far as I know it is

Malcolm … you’ve referred to this more than once about the place today.

Have I missed something … some announcement about name-calling?
You haven’t been ticked off have you? :lol:

That proves celery works.

I’m off the sainsbury tomorrow…can you buy it by the bucket load?

Must be a slow news day today

No Morti … I just hate name-calling, it belongs in the schoolyard
And, more to the point, I had just read this very informative post by ‘talkdragon’



Today I have had a tinned plum tomatoes and coriander toastie…delicious :slight_smile:

Today I had soup in a basket, it was very nice:-)

This thread is about toasties… There is another one about what you had for dinner, can you find it on your own ? If not just ask someone

I had it with a slice of toast, is that ok?

No ! !

You have to pour the soup on your toast and eat it to satisfy Malcolm Rehab :lol:

@Malvolm, the toastie king.
Oh dear…do you have any suggestions? I am so sorry that I failed to mention toasties in my responses.

:smiley: Damn! I wish I had posted that :smiley: