Toasties in the evening

Sardines in tomato sauce toastie, really tasty.

…just cutting down on dairy for a bit Twink , meat has already been reduced to once a week :slight_smile:

I can still eat most of the things I love which just happen to be healthy anyway.
Mushroom toasties are fine :slight_smile:

That will be a Cheese burger then? :lol:

That does it! I just knocked me glasses off, fell of me chair, and spat me coffee all over my dog. She wasn’t amused. :lol:

I’m going to get me tea now - and no, it won’t be a Tasty Toastie either. :lol:

For anyone tempted to go off topic I want to remind you of the difference between toasties, panini’s and grilled cheese, e.g a single panini is actually a piano, I bet you didn’t know that.
Don’t you just love these learning experiences?

I am more of a cod man. But not with tomato sauce, a little sprinkle of vinegar and a dash of salt does the trick, the problem being the head and the tail flop outside of the toast. I am working on a solution to this.

Tasty Toastie will be back tomorrow, who knows Rehab, master chef, gourmet and connoisseur will be able to tempt your tastebuds with yet another culinary masterpiece.

Give our love to the dog.

A toasted baguette may solve your problem Rehab!

Now why didn’t I think of that? That’s why I love this forum, it’s so full of clever buggers :lol:
Thanks Val.

:roll: :102: :smiley:

Sort of, but not in a sesame seeded bun, but slapped between two pieces of wholemeal bread which have been toasted under the grill.

Had a change today, I had two hot dogs.
Two toasted finger rolls with hot dog sausages covered with ketchup and mustard and topped off with fried onions.
Very enjoyable indeed, very salty and delicious.

Years ago when I used to make a rather splendid chilli con carne I used to like making a toastie with the left over chilli the next day. Yummy!

Welcome back Malcolm, I pass the baton over to you.

Yes indeed I’ve tried that Tessa and it is a delicious idea.

Works nicely with corned beef hash too!

Now that is my very favourite toastie… and on the rare occasions that we have CBH I always save a small amount for a toastie the next day.
Thanks for reminding me I will do it next week. :slight_smile:

Tonight’s toastie was

Mexican chicken, cheese, olives, onions and peppers

Was to die for

And no doubt I shall be dying with the heart burn all night lol

French ham and sliced boiled egg today on Danish toast.

French you say, isn’t a bit risqué ?