To Wear or Not to Wear; That is the Question

There is a very funny, passionate discussion going on in my local chat group about this outfit. The question is whether or not it is appropriate to wear this lounge set (by description) in public - to the store, traveling, running errands, etc.

My favorite comments so far include that the only thing to accessorize it with is a toothbrush :rofl:. Another (miffed at the latter) said she had bought something similar and planned to throw pearls and heels on with it to wear it to her nephew’s wedding.

Are we becoming too casual in public? Have the lockdowns permanently changed the way you dress?


You have to be joking? No? O 

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I think it’s fine for casual wear, but I wouldn’t wear it to a formal occasion. But then I’m a man and know nothing about dress sense :joy:
Lock down hasn’t changed the way I dress. I’m the same know as I was pre lockdown. T shirt and trousers (chinos) in winter, T shirt and shorts in the summer :grinning:


That’s not my style, to baggy for me, quite honestly SM
I wear what ever I like in public, if I want to walk around in my pj bottoms I will.

I took jack out yesterday, my trousers were wet, so I pulled on a pair of over the knee leggings, just a casual top, jacket, scarf and below the knee wellie boots
if people look ,stare, start nudging each other as in “ look at her”
it has no affect on me what so ever

I sincerely don’t worry what people think I look like

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I tend to think dressing casually has its limits in public and to some degree is an act of consideration. Twice in the last month I have been on an airplane in which a few were wearing baggy printed pajama pants. I think dress codes are not necessarily a bad thing.

Look up People of Walmart sometime.


That’s your thinking SF
not sure about consideration?

When you say lookup some people in Walmart sometime
do you mean look at what their wearing?

Ha! I was going to mention that too
such a laugh! :joy:

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I wouldn’t wear that, simply because it would awful on me. I do like it though, but even if I was 6ft tall, it is far too casual for a formal outfit. Maybe to sling on when you go and grab something from the local shop, but not for a wedding! Heels? oh no
thats an accident waiting to happen.

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Pauline, yes, I was referring to what people are actually wearing in public that could genuinely be offensive. In the interest of not making people see what they might want to see, I won’t post the photo, but the image is of is a woman in a cosmetics aisle wearing a long-sleeved top, large panties, but no pants. I think that is inconsiderate.

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I notice I was captured on that ‘People of Walmart’ site :joy:


When I travel on a plane especially long haul . I carry a pair of soft tracker bottoms or lounge pants in my hand luggage and change on the plane or just before boarding .it’s essential to be warm and comfortable .
I didn’t like that outfit much it was too baggy all over but no doubt comfortable . Too somber for a wedding .

Yes, it is quite funny, but it also sears some rather unfortunate images into your brain that you will forever want to unsee. :grimacing:

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That wouldn’t bother me, I’ve seen worse in the gym
as long as they aren’t walking around naked
takes all sorts to make a world
that’s your own way of looking at it from your own intellect.

Was to late for me I’ve now gone blind :innocent:

I think I’d have to see the fabric of the outfit “in real life” to say for sure but providing the material is not too thin and it doesn’t look like a track suit, I think the outfit would be fine for casual wear in the daytime and may be fine for “smart-ish” casual wear in the evening if dressed up with a bit of bling - but too casual for a formal occasion like a wedding or a day at Ascot Races, darling! :hugs:

Personally, I wouldn’t wear an outfit like that at all - I prefer more fitted garments - I think you have to be tall and willowy to look good in those long baggy cardigans and wide baggy pants.


Chillie, see, I knew it was a painted bin lid! :joy:


I would love to have the first outfit, but only for wearing around the house.

The only reason I wouldn’t buy it is that it is just over $200.

A lounge set at that price would give me way too much anxiety to feel relaxed in it. :upside_down_face:

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Chillie, where is a superhero like you when I am trying to reach something on the top row?

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You’ve hurt my feelings now :joy:


I prefer the grey one - it looks much warmer and perhaps more in keeping with the casual style. Black (in my mind) has never been for “casual” attire (too many years working in offices I think :roll_eyes: )