Time to recommend a movie?

That horn…still sends chills up my back

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Acting the way only Vincent Price could act!
A few familiar old faces in cast and a cracking theme tune to boot

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The Movie that started it all. Low Budget, no big names, a decent ride w/o being over-the-top like the sequels.

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Blazing Saddles :joy:


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Now for something completely different…

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You couldn’t ask for a better top-to-bottom lineup

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A unique story worth a watch.

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Blade Runner 2049

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Iron Sky (2012)…and don’t forget the sequel that has Hitler riding a T-Rex…

Bob Marley: One Love

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The Pink Panther

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The City of Lost Children 1995 Lead actor - Ron Pearlman
A scientist in a surrealist society kidnaps children to steal their dreams, hoping that they slow his aging process.

The film wasn’t highly regarded but what an intro!
A bloody good film too!

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Highlander :+1:

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My Darling Clementine

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