Female Forest Red Tailed Black Cockatoo (My photo)
As the name suggests, the Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo is a forest-dwelling bird, preferring Jarrah, Marri and Sheoak.
Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos are generally seen in small family groups.
Left to right Daughter, Mother, Father (my photo)
An active, noisy bird mostly almost exclusively in trees, spending much of the day feeding.
At sunset, flocks of this species are often seen flying high, returning from feeding areas to roosts in large trees along the banks of rivers or streams. They may be less wary while feeding than at other times, and generally do not allow a close approach by an observer, readily taking flight and screeching loudly.
@Bretrick I changed mine some time ago on the orders of Azz. I was told it had to be a photo from my hard drive so I decided upon this one concerning the Twins Experiments of Mengler’s dastardly twisted mind to remind everyone of what has visited mankind before.
Something I found surprising on here is how few seem to use a photo of themselves, I get we must be mindful of security but at least show a part you lol otherwise I feel I’m conversing with a gramophone or garden shed.
My chin ain’t up to much but at least it’s me.
PS I don’t actually care if your photo is of a Curly Wurly or a butplug, whatever