Ticked off with Iceland

Wind up, has to be. They have been on sale for months, make your own and put whatever shape you want. X+<>*V

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Well i will not buy them then.

I’ll be sticking with tradition…

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If it is true, it is a simple marketing error on behalf of Iceland, should have named them hot tick buns, there would not of been a problem
Best way, as others have mentioned, don’t buy them from Iceland

Was it a bit of a publicity stunt do you think?

Iceland boss, Richard Walker has thanked Rees-Moggs and 30p Lee for boosting sales of their traditional buns

No such thing as bad publicity?

He said they were never real but there was a small trial in some shops


That is even less believable, how would it boost sales? what a load of codswallop, and, as i mentioned earlier, even more of a marketing error from Iceland, they should of actually had on sale hot tick buns, people like a novelty, and having hot cross and hot tick buns to choose from at an Easter gathering would probably go down well!
Both papers must be having a slow news day

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According to the news they’re having a lot of problems with volcanoes at the moment so you need to give them some leeway.

So…is the site that used to be called Twitter now going to change it’s logo?
They could have just turned the darn things sideways and made it an X…but then, people sometimes use X for churchy things…like X-mas…so…

I can’t imagine in a country as progressive as Iceland this was a thing that actually bothered anyone…
Are people going to start calling a crosstown bus something else now?
Or complain about x-ing out on tic tac toe? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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