Three pictures through the years of where I grew up

Before Man arrived, this was the countryside surrounding Queenstown Tasmania

The Miners arrived

The Miners Left


Men eh :scream: :scream:

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So sad. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Thank you Bretrick. We, in the UK, also had coal miners. I went down one, a drift mine, for an electrical project. One of the guys asked to switch of the helmets. That was something else…stygian blackness.

But the other event I remember vividly was that of the Aberfan coal mining disaster of 1966. There was 116 children and 46 adults at Pantglas Junior school.

@Bretrick At least with open cast mining, very few lives were lost. Here in the UK, almost all mines were deep underground where many lives were lost before the mines closed. There have been an excess of 140,000 deaths recorded, which does not take into account the families that were impacted by each individual tragic death; and that is just for coal mining withoiut any reference to the metal mines😢

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Man meaning Europeans not the Aboriginal people.They had respect for the land.

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Very sad indeed. So many deaths.
In 1912 a fire broke out in the underground pump station at the North Mount Lyell copper mine.
Carbon monoxide poisoning from the fire killed 42 miners.
On December 9, 2013. 2 miners fell down a shaft after a temporary platform they were working on collapsed .
One month later a loader operator was killed when a mud avalanche buried him in the cab of the loader.
Since that death, the mine has been closed with plans to reopen in approximate 12 months time.
The smoke stack in this picture is the same one on the left of the second picture above.

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