This is what a huge number of people think about the toad, Farage

Are we supposed to be a ‘Democratic’ country Chilli…? I will accept the vote of the people whichever side the coin lands on.


Nigel Farage is the establishment, exploiting us just as much as any of them, he only stands up to them when it serves his own purposes

I thought it was an excellent advert for the ban
Any establishment with the decency to exclude Farage gets brownie points in my book


Yup, it may well be true of our next PM but I’m an idealist so I hope not

But that’s not a reason to vote for people we already know are self-serving con artists is it?

I’d rather give someone new a chance and live in hope than vote for the likes of Farage, Sunak or Johnson

At least then we’d get a chance of someone with integrity, even if the odds are against it

If you vote for Farage or the Tories you do so knowing you’re voting for some with a track record of having none


Enough is enough, is enough, but still the BBC Remains.

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The land of make believe for some, the land that our political parties have turned into the laughing stock of the world for the rest of us.

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A farmer, seems a down to earth working man. Unless of course Channel 4 knows different.

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Whatever the result on Friday, a betting certainty that the lies will not take too long to be validated along with the excuses.

Brilliant Cinders, I would vote for reform for that reason alone… :white_check_mark:

it’s what many sensible adults think. He’s very marmite.

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Another fine chap:

(Warning contains very strong language!)

(He needs to add labour to that list tho!)

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Labour have to up their performance, do the right thing and provide a level playing field.

Reform wins fifth seat in South Basildon and East Thurrock - BBC News.

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Yes but it was not wot I believed it was a dig at somebody that is all…
my hate of war is deep my hate of any violence against another is deep felt. I don’t want get boring but I Have some strong views on War promoters of this World

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Surprisingly. Starmer and Crew. Are significantly more familiar. >> With E Africa. …>> And has Almost Instantly. >>Revoked any further notions, of. Deportation’s to RWANDA. >> One Done and Dusted. 1k To go!! :wink:

One good thing about the toad is he split the tory vote in Wales, so neither of them got any seats here. The tories got totally annihilated :081:

Tories annihilated in Wales with NO seats - 2024 General Election! :044:


Yes it’s fair to say the only positive thing about reform was that it got rid of a lot of Tories


Get rid of Labour, then I will be a happy bunny.

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We might as well scrap the polling system and just elect a president because it’s such a farce as it is…At the end of the day, our government are just the tail of the dog.