This is a song - Short people got no reason to live?

They got little hands
and Little eyes
And they walk around
Tellin’ great big lies
They got little noses
And tiny little teeth
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty little feet

Well, I don’t want no short people
Round here

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I’m 5 feet short and I’m here.

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This is his song about the slave trade.


oh I thought you were 1.52 :grinning:

What is this about?

I am - give or take a centimetre.
Isn’t that 5 feet?
Damn imperial conversion thingie my jiggy Bob!

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It’s someone cruising for a bruising.

It was actually taken seriously by a lot of people when it first came out.

Seriously :104:

By Americans anyway.

So is five foot short in a woman?
with her little hands and her little feet
and her tiny shap little…oops sorry i got carried away a bit there…

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I apologise for this post. I will endeavour to have it removed.
Please forgive me?

Steady on mate :107:
There’s nothing to apologise for. :023:
We’re all just having a laugh. :040:
Don’t stress please. :077:

Phew… thought I were done for there.

The best part about having short people around?

You’ll always have someone who looks up to you.

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“Tall People”

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A theatrical friend of mine (long dead of AIDs) who was about 6ft 1in once said, “When tall people look up they see the Sun, the sky, the moon, the stars. When short people look up all they can see is tall people”

I always quite liked that.

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People come in all shapes and sizes and that’s fine as we’re not a perfect race. With all advances through the ages I’ll just say, some stuff are messing us up🙂

Regardless, I’ll use the two cartoon dogs, Spike and Chester I believe their names were. Papa used to say that our family was in the extremes. The tallest was 6 feet 3 inches and I’m proud that she was my beloved great-grand-mother Margaret. The smallest was my own mother at 4 feet 11 inches.

There’s a photo (which was deliberately burned in the fireplace) which shows the 4 people from right to left, tallest to shortest. Papa, sibling, myself and Mother.

Once our Munchkins were all grown up, hubby and I reproduced that lovely photo style (which we call the staircase) with Son, hubby, myself and daughter.

5 feet 3 inches is 1.6 meter I believe. If you’ve troubles with conversions @Minx this is the best wee android app available. I refer to it all the time whenever, very useful.