The yearly hedge trim

I had my hedge trimmed yesterday. £180 for 3 hrs work.
Not bad earnings eh?


Crikey Carol that’s almost a week’s wages! Gardening is certainly a better paying business than it ever used to be, I must sharpen my spade up… :wink:

I had 4 estimates off the ‘My Builder’ site & he was the cheapest.
The others quoted me respectively: £290, £250, £200 & this one £180.

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Cheap at half the price then :flushed: !

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I’ll do it for £150 Carol :slight_smile:

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Buy a hedge trimmer and DIY it Carol :003:

You let them grow quite tall, Carol, which explains the costs because one needs a high ladder. Right now I can still do it myself and do so twice a year. This is just a section of what needs to be done.
All my neighbours have their hedges trimmed and so will I some time. Don’t know what they are charged, tough, but 180 quid wouldn’t surprise me.

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I’ll book you for next year then Annie! :grin: