The World Cup 2018


Another downside, the pubs are having specials on during the entire proceedings.

Just another excuse for more drinking and the inevitable anti social behaviour.

I quite liked the bit if the opening ceremony I saw, Robbie Williams and that Russian Opera singer singing Angelsā€¦ gorgeous:) I donā€™t mind football to be honest as long as I have a team I want to win, if Iā€™m not bothered who wins I loose interest. I hope England do well :slight_smile:

oz now playing france - we need to beat them!

I think they must be deaf.

erhmm?? wot did she say ??:!::!:

I wonā€™t watch one minute of itā€¦anyway the ball is the wrong shape

more seriously I do think the french are playing slightly better atm but we are putting up a good fight back!

Iā€™ll quietly sneak in here and say I really enjoyed the Spain and Portugal match yesterday, Ronaldo was in great form :smiley:

2-1 for france!! - very close match


Soccer? Like netball, its an OK game for girls but watching men play it? I donā€™t think so.

What a Rocket!

I enjoyed that match and the free kick was superb. Ronaldo virtually willed the ball in the net with his mind.

And itā€™s more difficult to tamper with a football. :mrgreen:

Ouchā€¦ :smiley:

I see that Germany have just had their arses kicked by Mexico - I nearly soiled meself laughing when I saw that.

I enjoyed that too Judd. Iā€™m just not saying too much about it until after tomorrow night. :wink:

Touche !.. And then some!:twisted:

Not the first time Germany have gone to Russia unprepared!!

Why would you need to? all the little flowers fall over whenever anyone goes near them.

ā€¦and it is run by one of the most corrupt organisations on the planet; definitely a game to stay away from.