Dots with commas: And the big feet…
Just look at the love in those loyal eyes
She is an absolute delight.
I have friends with both sexes, but it’s the bitches that always come straight to me for affection and seem to understand every word I say. Departing is a problem as they always want to come out with me and one, Sally, brings me her lead, bless her.
Fortunately we have some good paths without cars so we let her off the lead most of the time.
And she is completely attached to my wife…
Invisible heart strings form the attachment! Nice looking dog!
She’s; a beauty, Besoeker. A house with the love of a dog is truly the best version of home.
Thank you kindly good people! When I was younger I had my dog then and he was so attached to me. We lived in the hills so we walked there for miles…see pic.
Then then I moved out with education and then off to to the wide world. So, sadly, no dog. Until I retired. Then good Max, just gem, but sadly he died when he was nine.
And now we have little girly girl. We got her from a dog’s home and she was very shy but she is mostly over with that. Especially with girls…
Through the Eyes of a dog even. Its Character is best seen.