I like to read Douglas Murray he talks so much sense
The human animal will not be content until it has eradicated itself.
I am somewhat uncomfortable with the Original Post.
The West has produced some enormous mass murderers, Hitler and Stalin for example.
The vast majority of Muslims are fine, the Nutters are are not, they are very, very dangerous.
My life has been saved by female Muslims.
The Kurds have female Muslim Soldiers who terrorise ISIS.
There are 10s of Millions Female Muslims who rule the roost, happy to wear A Hijab but not the Burka.
I have reported one scary female Muslim, the rest are fine, they have a very healthy disregard of men.
My previous house house was attacked at night by two of the Radical Muslim Nutters, they lost, I won.
I am not scared by them, they use Terror to scare us.
We all need to learn how to deal with them, they get very scared easily.
They have a very different view of life to us.
They want to die to get their 72 virgins.
Being captured or killed by females is the ultimate disgrace to them.
We need to get clever.
Educate yourself.
Hey Todger, nice to see you back after so long.
Thanks. Been unwell. It’s left me paraplegic.
Gosh, I am so very sorry. Hope things improve for you as time goes on.
Everytime I hear the 72 virgins tale the account of virgins seemed to have increased .
Some scholars say it’s a mistranslation and it’s actually raisins . ( Muslims think of heaven as a wonderful garden with fruit/and flowers ) They are going to be very disappointed if this is true
That’s a bugger! Hopefully, time will undo it’s past ravages
Blimey artful todger.
They’ll be shagged out in no time
I’m so pleased to see you too todgy. I’m so sorry to know you were ill. Xxx
Nonsense Swim…The best inventors, explorers, engineers and artists were from the West, with some recognition for the Chinese and Romans…Not a bloody muslim or Arab in sight. However, I do admire certain aspects of the Islamic faith.
You mention two scoundrels who thought they were doing the world a favour at the time, but walk through the shady area of any big city at night and see who plunges a blade into your guts while stealing your phone, watch and wallet.
Well said, OGF. Although I admit that there have been muslims and Arabs in the distant past who have led the world in such matters as mathematics and astronomy, when it comes to the other expertises you mentioned I agree that these have been predominantly Westerners and, in some areas, proud to say that they were mostly British.
Yes, I know some muslims who are real gentlemen (and ladies, though I never seem to meet them for some reason) and an asset to this country.
But East is East and West is West… etc. Sadly that is no longer the case.
My real fear is nothing personal to any of them, but I find it sad to look ahead to the day in the not too distant future when this country is predominantly muslim.
@JBR You can put a top hat on an Arab ,
But it won’t make him a gentleman !
Nor will it look right !!
Donkeyman !