The war of the Worlds

I would if something about it appealed to me, but nothing does … :102:

I’ll give it a go tonight.

Nice horse but badly superimposed. :wink:

I didn’t notice that. We know she can ride though from Poldark.:slight_smile:

That’s true. It was the horse that looked a bit odd but I was viewing the TV at a funny angle because the dog had nicked my seat. :lol:

Do you mean in the close up bit where she was galloping away & you only saw the horses head & her top half? If so I thought that a bit contrived too.

Dogs always get the best seats.:lol:

Aye, and anyone in their right mind would have jumped on that horse with her and rode to safety. Incidentally, did you notice that she rode back towards where the damage was coming from in the first place?

That was bad editing or direction, not sure which.:lol: Those scenes with the special effects weren’t done very well. I do love picking things apart.:lol:
Having watched the first two episodes of Good Omens on DVD last night & found that far superior.

I did notice the ‘hero’ being buried under a pile of railway sleepers. Where did they come from?

With all those mentions, I thought I’d tale a look at those horse scenes on iPlayer - they are, indeed, full of “inconsistencies” - the first one to strike me was when “she” clambered on to the back of the horse behind “him” - one minute she was below him, the next making herself comfortable, as though someone or something had given her a hand … :wink:

As for that “galloping” scene, that was straight out of 1950’s swashbuckers … :lol:

The horse was a good one though.:lol:

I won’t be watching the rest of it.

Well that was a waste of Sunday evenings, wasn’t it?!

I agree Jazzi…I was looking forward to it too…oh well …shame.

Very disappointing! They could have made a fantastic production.
Perhaps they’ve overspent on His Dark Materials and wages on HIGNFY!
I felt sorry for Demelza (sorry forgot her name) she was wasted in that!

The War of the Worlds. BBC.
Well, I have to say that the BBC (to whom we pay so much) have really excelled themselves this time. It is so slow and boring.
We’re just watching the third episode, 15 minutes to the end, if nothing else just to see how it finishes (I know how the original finishes).
I can’t wait for the final 15 minutes to finish.

Conclusion: a film to fall asleep to. Really, I’m nodding off right now.

Done at last. No proper ending: just a woman looking up into the sky. Are the monsters dead? Is the world destroyed?

What an absolute waste of time… and our money.

I’m so glad that I never even started watching it … :slight_smile:

I was so disappointed with this series. With modern CGI and some decent scriptwriting (rather than the usual leftist dross that Auntie prefers these days), WOTW COULD have been a really good watch. As it was, it left me wondering how fast Herbert was spinning in his grave.

It was just so dreadfully slow. I wonder whether the BBC tried to pad it out in order to fill three episodes instead of two… or even one.

It wasn’t the WotW at all, it was some kind of love story, the Martians just being a backdrop to the story. Crap. I stopped watching it halfway through the final episode - I couldn’t take it any more.

The Beeb have some more classics lined up for Christmas - wonder if they’ll manage to balls them up with their politically correct social message?
Will Lucy in Dracula be transgender, will Bob Cratchit be in a same-sex civil partnership, and one of the ghosts be from a black or ethnic minority?

Wouldn’t surprise me. Watch this space.